This is one of the difficult types of relief. It is accessible to beginners and quite effective. On the plane of the conceived form, draw the pattern of the future ornament, remove voids with a knife, an angle or a joint at 45 °. If the distances between the details of the pattern Significant, cut a flat background. For such...

Now we start carving
It doesn’t really matter what kind of wood carving you’re into. The main thing is to achieve mastery. For example, you can do only geometric carving and, while having fun with it, achieve success and recognition of the audience. I will suggest a few directions. At first glance, some of them are far from serious woodcarving, but they also contribute...

Where to start
It’s not for nothing that carvers joke, “Everything starts with a log. The main thing is to go forward boldly, overcoming the fear of the beginning. You enter an unfamiliar world full of mysteries and unexpected discoveries, a new world, and discovering the unknown is always a pleasure… The torso is ready, and the head is in place. A few...

What is carving?
Wood carving is not a single activity or pastime, but rather an enormous group of types and things. We don’t have the time or space to cover all types of carving, but let’s take a brief look at a few of the woodcarving types that our members are involved with. There is carving in the round, which includes everything from little...

Getting started
Many people started woodcarving years ago in Scouts or 4-H clubs by carving soap. Some followed up, others didn’t. Today, our club has many seasoned pros whose work we can all admire, and we have many rookies who are trying grab onto everything the club has to offer. Many of our teachers take classes to learn techniques outside their specialty. There is a debate...

Hand Carve a Majestic Buck
With this project, I wanted to create a majestic look that captures the deer’s graceful movements. To accomplish this, I posed the deer walking down a sloped base. I enjoy carving deer because even if you use the same general pose, you can give the deer a different attitude by changing the position of the ears. If you choose to...

Using Scrapers
When most folks think of scrapers, they visualize a tool used to scrape paint, like the red-handled tool in the photo. But woodworkers use a variety of scrapers to efficiently smooth and shape wood. Scrapers are primarily used on hardwoods and don’t work well with softer woods. To smooth this leaf bowl, I use mainly the square card scrapers, but...